Welcome to Lime class page
We hope you had a relaxing half term!
Our Unit 2 topic is all about Conflict and Resolution and we will be exploring our learning question
“What was so significant about the Ancient Mediterranean?”
Our class novel study is The Adventures of Odysseus by Daniel Morden and Hugh Lupton, adapted from Homer’s Odyssey, retelling the extraordinary journey of Odysseus on his way home from the Trojan War.
In RHSE, we will be learning about Valuing Differences and our British Value for the halt term is Mutual Respect.
Our science lessons will focus on investigating materials including rocks and their properties, how fossils are made and exploring the life and work of palaentologist, Mary Anning. In music, we will be studying the Grieg’s famous masterpiece, In the Hall of the Mountain King.
PE this half term will be gymnastics and we will be Mondays and Fridays, so please ensure children have their indoor PE kit in school each week. This includes black shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps.
Please ensure your PE kit is named!
Click on this link to find our more about our learning for the next six weeks.
We love reading at Robert Bakewell, so please try to read as much as possible with your child at home, we cannot wait to hear all about their exciting reads!
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our webpage as we will upload photographs regularly to showcase the fabulous learning happening in class and our Stars of the Week.
Thank you, Mrs Ford and the Lime team
Mrs Ford
Class teacher and
Assistant Headteacher -
Mrs Gassor
PPA teacher
Mrs Perry
Class News
If you would like to support your child with their reading at home, the buttons below will help you.