
Welcome to the Sycamore class page!

It was amazing to see so many families joining us on sports day, thank you again for those of you that managed to attend the Year 6 curriculum assembly. The children are incredibly proud of all they have achieved this year.

Key date this half term:

Tenner project: Tuesday 28th June 3pm - 4pm and Tuesday 5th July 3pm - 4pm

Teamrb staff vs Year 6 sports: Monday 4th July 3pm - 4pm This is also a non-uniform day.

Leavers play and graduation Wednesday 6th July

Copies of letters can be found on the website’s homepage and our half termly newsletters and homework are on the class page.

If you have any queries, please contact or alternatively call the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

The Year 6 Team

Meet the team

Mrs Dixon - Class teacher

Mr Hibbert - Class teacher and Deputy Head

Mrs Smith - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Viluni - Learning Support Assistant

Class News

 ★ Star of the week ★


 Flipped Learning

WELCOME – If you are struggling with learning from home, or want some extra inspiration for home learning, feel free to access our flipped learning. We are more than happy for any parent or teacher, anywhere, to use these resources. We only ask that you credit us in some way.  

We would love feedback and recognition, if you are not part of #teamRB and you use our site, contact us at with individual comments, or via our social media platforms (Facebook or Twitter).