Welcome to the Maple Class Page
We hope you had a relaxing half term!
Our Unit 3 topic is all about Awe & Wonder and we will be exploring our learning question
“Why are rainforests important to us?”.
Our class novel study is The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry telling the story of a man who starts to chop down a great kapok tree in the rainforest. Exhausted from his labours, he puts down his axe and rests, but as he sleeps the animals who live in the tree come and plead with him not to destroy their world.
In RSHE, we will be learning about How can I be my best? and our British Value for the halt term is Democracy.
Our science lessons will focus on classifying and grouping animals. In music, we will be studying rhythm and experimenting with creating our own.
PE this half term will be Handball and we will be having lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays, so please ensure children have their indoor PE kit in school each week. This includes black shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps.
Please ensure your PE kit is named!
Click on this link to find our more about our learning for the next six weeks.
We love reading at Robert Bakewell, so please try to read as much as possible with your child at home, we cannot wait to hear all about their exciting reads!
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our webpage as we will upload photographs regularly to showcase the fabulous learning happening in class and our Stars of the Week.
Thank you, Miss Clarke and the Maple Team
Meet the Team
Miss Clarke
Class Teacher
Mrs Kilby
1:1 Learning Support Assistant