How can we work together to achieve a goal?

Our RSHE unit this term has been Dreams and Goals. We have talked about how we can persevere to achieve a goal and how we shouldn’t give up. We discussed how we can work together to achieve a goal by encouraging and supporting each other.
The class chose a goal to work on for a couple of weeks and got into groups to work together. The goals were:

  • Learning the dance to the Macarena

  • Learning the poem, ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’ off by heart

  • Designing and making a card

  • Learning to count to 10 in Mandarin Chinese

  • Learning to count to 20 in twos in French

I honestly could not be prouder of how hard the children worked on their goals and I was blown away when they showed off their new skills and what they had worked on to the rest of the class! They were all so supportive of each other and were full of praise for each other when they saw what each other had achieved! Well done, Elm Class!


Which ball will be the bounciest?


How can we use clay to make an Ancient Greek pot?