

Welcome to the Sycamore class page

We hope that you have had a wonderful summer and are ready for a fantastic year ahead!

This term, we are focusing on Being Me in My World, exploring the question “What makes a great leader?” We will be exploring the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and what makes him such an important historical figure, as well as thinking about the character traits that great leaders have. As well as this, we will be comparing the UK with Iceland, focusing on their human and physical features.

Reading is hugely important at Robert Bakewell so we encourage you to read at home with your child as often as possible; they will earn rewards for each milestone of reads that they reach!

Our PE this term will be on Tuesday and Thursday. As we are doing yoga, please ensure that your child has a white top and black shorts/leggings, as well as a pair of black plimsolls.

Keep an eye on this page as it will be updated regularly with updates on how the children are getting on as well as showcasing some fantastic work. You will also be able to view our Stars of the Week, along with any other information that you may need to know.

If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to me at the end of the day, alternatively speak to the office and I will be in contact in due course. Thank you and I look forward to a positive year ahead!

Miss Hall

Meet the Team

  • Miss Hall

    Class Teacher

  • Mrs Duncan

    PPA Teacher

Class News

If you would like to support your child with their reading at home, the questions below will help you.

 ★ Star of the week ★
