Accidents and Illness In School
If your child is ill during school hours, or has an accident, you will be notified as soon as possible, any accident that occurs to the head will trigger a phone call home. Up to date emergency contact details and telephone numbers are essential.
We notify parents/carers if their child has had a bang or injury to the head and if an injury is serious enough to require an accident report to be sent to the relevant authority.
When your child starts school, you will be asked to give details of your address, telephone number, place of work etc., together with a friend's or neighbour's contact address and telephone number in case we are unable to reach you. Please let us know of any changes to contact details as soon as you can.
Usually, all medicines can be administered at home. On rare, occasions antibiotics which have to be taken during the school day can be given as long as parent/carers have signed agreement forms for this. If your child has a serious condition, such as a severe allergy, diabetes or epilepsy, we will keep medication in school, securely in the Headteacher’s office. It is parents’/carers’ responsibility to ensure that all medication is in date.
Children should never have medicine or tablets to take unsupervised. The exception to this is an asthma inhaler.
Head Lice
About a third of children will get head lice at some point in their school lives – this is the same across all schools.
We appreciate parents/carers letting us know, in confidence, if they have found head lice in their child’s hair. We will let parents know by text if there is a case of head lice in their child’s class.
Sickness and Diarrhoea
If your child suffers from an attack of sickness and/or diarrhoea they should remain at home for 48 hours after the last incident occurred.
Children returned to school before 48 hours have passed will be asked to return home.
Nut Allergies
Robert Bakewell school is a nut free zone and all nut products including nutella, peanut butter, snack bars containing nuts, Bakewell tarts, marzipan and Snicker bars should not be brought into school.