What do Bluebell and Buttercup eat for breakfast?

Our current topic is called “How Did Robert Bakewell Change the World of Farming?” and today we got to see a bit of what farming is all about, with a visit to our goats. They got very excited when they saw us coming because they have quickly learned that children mean food! Bluebell’s baby was leaping around all over the place in excitement. Farmer Rae explained that the goats like to eat vegetable trimmings and straw for breakfast, so we each had some carrot tops to hold out. Bluebell and her baby, Buttercup took them from us so gently that we were able to get a really good look at them from close up. We admired Bluebell’s big horns and noticed that Buttercup is growing some tiny ones. We also noticed that their eyes look very different to our eyes and that they are great climbers. When the carrot tops ran out, they started nibbling our shoe-laces and zips and we decided that it was time to go!


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