Welcome back!
We hope you had a relaxing half term!
Our Unit 2 topic is all about Conflict and Resolution and we will be exploring our learning question
“What was the impact of The Great Fire of London?”
Our class novel is called ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’. We are currently focusing on non-fiction texts before using our knowledge to write our own non-chronological reports.
In RHSE, we will be learning about Valuing Differences and our British Value for the halt term is Mutual Respect.
Our science lessons will focus on investigating materials thinking carefully about their properties before exploring waterproof and absorbent materials. In music, we will be studying the composer Gustav Holst. We will listen carefully to his music before learning to compose our own pieces.
PE this half term will be yoga and we will be Wednesdays and Thursdays, so please ensure children have their indoor PE kit in school each week. This includes black shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps or trainers.
Please ensure your PE kit is named.
We love reading at Robert Bakewell, so please try to read as much as possible with your child at home, we cannot wait to hear all about their exciting reads!
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our webpage as we will upload photographs regularly to showcase the fabulous learning happening in class and our Stars of the Week.
If you have any questions or anything that you would like to discuss, please feel free to speak to me on the playground in the morning or at the end of the day. You can also email the office at office@robertbakewellprimary.com too.
Meet the Team
Mrs Hill
Class Teacher
Miss Allan
Miss Compton
PPA Teacher